Monday, June 24, 2013

Why You Need a Blog for Your Business

Blog, most smartest way to publish someone's mind. Blog can be many types. All types can be fallen into two categories - Personal blog and Business blog.

You can use blog in many ways to grow your business.

Following are some ways you can use to be benefited from a blog -

Advertise your business in blog: Suppose I'm one of your customer. If I want to know about one of your product, what shall I do? I'll pick my phone and call you. Or, I'll turn on TV to watch if your product advertisement comes. Or I'll look for newspaper where you provide advertisement.

Above three options are traditional ways and they have many disadvantages.

If you have a blog for your business I can browse and get what information I want easily.

Let your customers know the latest news: Whenever any new thing happens in your business you can publish that in your blog so that your clients/customers can know the latest news about your business.

Answering frequently ask questions: Customers may have queries about your business. One of the best way to fulfill them is blog. You can create a FAQ page in blog to answer the frequently asked questions by customers.

Getting touch with customer: Blog is a regular publishing medium. You can publish blog post daily, weekly and monthly. When you publish post, your customer will come to your blog to read the newly published post in their convenient time. In this way you will have more interaction with your customer.

Reducing cost: If you apply traditional ways to answer your customers queries you have to employ somebody to answer phone call. Or you have to give advertisement to newspaper or electronics media which are costly. If you maintain a blog for your business you can reduce those expenses.

Promote newly launched product or service: If you launch a new product or service, blog is the best way to inform your customers about that.

You can use free blogger app like blogger, WordPress and moveable, etc. You can give your readers to subscribe to your blog. In this way, you will be able to convince your readers to be customers for your business.

Photo by: BetsyWeber

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